Supporting Using a Task Analysis

Written by Dr. Betty Patten

A task analysis is a systematic process of breaking down a complex task into smaller, more manageable steps. The goal of task analysis is to understand how a task is performed and identify the specific skills and knowledge required to complete it successfully.

Task analysis can be applied to a wide range of tasks, such as academic tasks, vocational tasks, and daily living skills. It can be used in education, training, and therapy to help individuals acquire new skills, improve existing skills, and increase their independence.

There are several different methods for conducting a task analysis, including:

  • Whole-task analysis: This involves breaking down a task into smaller steps and identifying the necessary skills and knowledge for each step.

  • Micro-task analysis: This involves breaking down a task into very small steps and identifying the specific actions and decisions required to complete each step.

  • Functional task analysis: This involves analyzing the task from the perspective of the individual's needs and abilities, and identifying any accommodations or supports that may be required to complete the task successfully.

Task analysis can be used to create instructional materials, such as step-by-step instructions, flow charts, and visual aids, to help individuals learn new skills and complete tasks more efficiently and independently. It also allows to identify the prerequisite skills and knowledge that need to be taught before a specific task can be learned.

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